
Use our estimated savings calculator to work out:

Your pool’s kilowatt per hour usage
Daily, Monthly & Yearly spending’s
How many liters your pool holds
How long it takes to turn over your pool water
How many times your pool turns over in a 24 hour period
The Percentage of savings
And the Daily, Monthly & Yearly savings compared to a standard 1 horsepower pump

Pool Measurements

How many liters is your pool volume: 10000 liters

What is the flow rate of your pump?

What is the shape of your pool:

Length of your pool in feet:

Width of your pool in feet:

Depth of your pool in feet:

Half the length of your pool in feet:

Half the width of your pool in feet:

Depth of your pool in feet:

Radius of your pool in feet:

Depth of your pool in feet:

Small diameter of your pool in feet:

Large diameter of your pool in feet:

Length of your pool in feet:

Energy Consumption

What are the voltage, ampage and kilowatt per hour of your pump?



Cost per kWh:

How many hours do you run your pump for: 7 Hours

Results & Savings

Your pools total expenditures

Total kWh per day: kWh per day
Total Cost per day: Thai Baht
Total Cost per month: Thai Baht based on 30 days
Total Cost per year: Thai Baht per year

The amount of liters in your pool

Total liters in your pool: Liters

The run-time of your pool

Liters per hour: Per hour
Time to complete 1 turnover: Hour
Total turnovers per 24 hour: Turnovers

And here are your savings compared to a

Savings per day: Thai Baht
Savings per month: Thai Baht
Savings per year: Thai Baht
Percentage saved per year: % Saved!

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